Course Type: Electives (choose 4 Courses) (Done via Tubeclasses or other universities for Credit)
Course Code: MBA714
Course Name: Competitive Analysis
Course Outline
In this course students will learn how firms behave in situations in which strategic decisions are interdependent, i.e. where their actions affect competitors' profits and vice versa. Using the basic tools of game theory, students will analyze how firms choose strategies to attain competitive advantage. This course is about the behavior of companies in competitive markets. Facing competition forces firms to look ahead and anticipate developments: If rivals are likely to react to a price cut, a firm will have to take the expected reaction into account. Students focus on such instances of “strategic interdependencies” in real business situations. Students will first study the basic concepts of game theory as a toolbox and then analyze strategic “games” in real-life settings. Rather than a set of checklists of “how-to-behave” in a number of pre-specified situations, this course will teach students to think about business strategy in a systematic and exciting - and ultimately more successful way.